Saturday, January 23, 2010

I have termites in my yard should I treat our home?

Free Termite Inspection

I recently discovered termites munching on a dying tree in our back yard should we invest in a termite treatment for our home?

We have reports of 20-25 different species of termites noted in Arizona. It is common to find termites around most yards in the greater Phoenix area. While any species of termites can invade a home...most do not.
The mere sight of termites in a yard should not be the sole reason for treating your home.

It should be motivation to get a termite inspection. I recommend that every home in the Valley of the Sun be inspected once a year.

An experience inspector will inspect your home, evaluate the surrounding enviroment, know the history of the neighborhood and provide the information you need to determine if your home should be treated and what type of treatment will provide the best protection.

Most termite companies (including Bills Pest & Termite Co) offer FREE TERMITE inspections..."That's a hard deal to beat!"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Should I pay the home inspector $75 to do a termite inspection?

Should I pay the home inspector $75 to do a termite inspection?
I’m buying a new home in Glendale…my realtor advises that his home inspector can complete a termite inspection with the home inspection for an additional $75…is this a good price?
The average termite inspection in Phoenix is about $65.
Depending upon the inspectors…it can be a “good price.”
I would caution against the “home inspector” completing the termite inspection.
For the same price…or less…you can have a second set of eyes inspect the home. Two sets of eyes focused on one matter…is usually better than one set of eyes completing two different tasks.
Additionally consider that the average home inspector (in Phoenix) has only been licensed for three years. That home inspector at best averages two inspections per day…while a good termite inspector can average 4-6 per day…giving him/her two or three times the experience.
We have seen an increase in civil litigation involving home inspectors completing termite reports.
As a note to your realtor…I would advise against recommending a home or termite inspector…as a professional charged with “protecting the interests of the client” they often share in the liability when the matter goes south.
It is better to recommend 2 or 3 inspectors and advise the client to research each before selecting one.
When a claim is made…the realtor and broker fork over their deductible leaving the matter in the hands of the insurance company that often pays off the claimant rather than endure the expense to defend. Leaving the realtor/broker with a tarnished reputation, pissed off client and out $1,000 to $5,000 in deductible.

Should I get a termite inspection for the home I'm buying?

Should I get a termite inspection for the home I'm buying"I'm buying a new home in realtor recommended a home inspector who asked if I wanted to add a termite inspection to his service for an additional $75...should I do this and is this a good price?"

I recommend every home buyer get a termite and home inspection prior to agreeing to purchase any home in the Metro Phoenix area.

$75 is a fair price for a good termite inspection...the average price in Phoenix is around $65.

I will caution against the home inspector completing the termite inspection. For the same price you can have two sets of eyes inspect focused on one matter each verse one set of eyes trying to complete two tasks.

Additionally...the average home inspector has less than three years experience as a termite inspector. At best that home inspector completes two inspections a day while a good termite inspector can complete 4-6 a day. Thus giving the termite inspector 2-3 times the experience.

As always I advise that the termite inspection be completed at the beginning of the "10 day inspection period" so that you have time to review the report and make additional requests for information and/or follow up inspections.